St. Joseph's
Grammar School, Donaghmore

Educating For the Future Since 1922
Art, Music & Drama

In St Joseph’s Grammar School, we understand the value of participating in the creative arts. With global employers crying out for graduates with skills that meet the needs of the 21st-century economy – from innovation to critical thinking and adaptability – we consciously place a high value on creativity and are constantly looking for exciting and engaging ways to nurture these skills in our students. In St Joseph’s we believe that the arts can act as a key, unlocking many of the skills that inspire children to engage with their studies and love learning. Skills, which can, therefore, support academic success.
Art, music and drama are a vital and enriching part of education at St Joseph’s. They allow the students to develop alternative approaches and strategies for problem-solving and thinking. Even if students do not follow on to a creative career, they take with them the ability and skills to think differently and numerous studies have shown that employers value individuals with fresh viewpoints who can find alternative means to solutions.
In 2016 our state of the art drama suite was opened as part of a £3.7milliom capital investment project meaning that our students learn in a first class facility with the most up to date technology. Pupils at Key Stage 3 have Drama once per week. The focus of Key Stage 3 Drama is William Shakespeare's quote "All the World's a Stage". Our Drama Department believe that all pupils should have the opportunity to express themselves. In Year 8, we focus on basic dramatic skills such as facial expression and body language. The Year 9 curriculum focusses on William Shakespeare, as well as analysing and creating short movies with our Green Screen. We also look at analysing script and building character profiles in Year 10. Our after school drama club is very popular and we are currently preparing a production of Annie.
Art and Design
The quality of our pupils’ artwork is outstanding, so much so that our pupils’ GCSE and A Level portfolios are regularly showcased at the annual Northern Ireland ‘True Colours’ exhibition. Individual pupils have been placed 1st overall in NI at both GCSE and A Level in recent years. Our pupils enjoy workshops provided by visiting artists and craftspeople who provide insights into their speciality and show our pupils how to perfect their skills.
The study of Art takes our students beyond the classroom. There are annual visits to local art galleries and a trip is currently being planned to Barcelona to view the artworks and architecture on display.

The Music Department plays an active role in the life of St Joseph’s, not only providing an excellent base knowledge of Music to all students but giving the opportunity to excel in musical development and performance outside the classroom. Along with providing music for all school events our choir and instrumental groups have performed with Peter Corry, Liam Lawton, Malachi Cush and for the Lady Mary Peter’s Foundation. The rich history of music in our school has developed into a vibrant and dynamic expression of talent and ability recognised far beyond the confines of St. Joseph’s.