St. Joseph's
Grammar School, Donaghmore

Educating For the Future Since 1922
Who is Sr Mary Brogan?
Sr Mary Brogán lived and work in Donaghmore for almost 70 years. She left for retirement in 2007 and died in 2009. The video below gives you a flavour of the person that was, Sr Mary Brogán.
What is The CBF?
The Cairde Brogán Foundation was established in November 2017 in memory of a former member of staff, Sr Mary Brogán. The core aim of the Foundation is to build a powerful network of individuals and organisations that will offer practical support and guidance to current and past students of St Joseph’s as they progress along their career journeys. The creation of the Foundation was borne out of an acknowledgment that there is a rapidly changing employment landscape, which means our students will enter a future work force and compete for jobs that do not yet exist.
The Foundation recognises that it is imperative that as a school, we seek to identify the skills base needed for our students to succeed in the workforce of the future and ensure they are offered real life opportunities to make them ‘work force ready’.
St Joseph’s believes in the power of community and the Cairde Brogán Foundation seeks to promote high level collaboration with employers, innovation hubs, and other education providers. It is hoped this collaboration will create tangible, career related opportunities to empower our students to be ready to take up their place in a rapidly changing world.
“The Cairde Brogán Foundation will give our students the opportunities, experiences, and skills for the world of work that will set them apart from others.”
- Mrs Geraldine Donnelly, Principal of St Joseph’s Grammar School/ Scoil Iósaef
The Cairde Brogán Foundation seeks to harness the skills and experience of our patrons to offer a range of opportunities to our student body, including:
Career mentoring;
Work placement opportunities;
Job coaching;
Interview skills training;
Higher apprenticeship opportunities;
Professional referrals and endorsements;
Scholarships for further study;
Scholarships for sport and the arts;
Entrepreneurial guidance and training;
Fundraising to support the work of the Foundation;
Opportunities to work shadow leaders in their field.