St. Joseph's
Grammar School, Donaghmore

Educating For the Future Since 1922
Our Distinctive Ethos
“St. Joseph’s / Scoil Iósaef offers high quality and inclusive education for all.”
As a Catholic Grammar school St. Joseph’s / Scoil Iósaef is committed to providing a high quality and inclusive education for all which is respectful of, and engages with, people of all faiths and none. Everyone is welcome in St. Joseph’s / Scoil Iósaef without distinction of any kind. We are proud of the culture of acceptance that characterises the ethos of St. Joseph’s / Scoil Iósaef and ensures that diverse identities are recognised, welcomed, respected, and cherished. The delivery of all aspects of education at St. Joseph’s /Scoil Iósaef is centred around our core values of kindness, aspiration, integrity, hope, community, faith and service. At the very heart of our ethos is Jesus’ command to love God and neighbour. This command inspires a caring ethos which is characterised by positive and uplifting relationships.
“Everyone is welcome in St. Joseph’s / Scoil Iósaef without distinction.”
While we enjoy a very strong tradition of academic excellence, we know that young people only achieve their full potential when they feel happy, secure and are invigorated by their school environment. It is central to our mission to ensure that all our students experience success which is recognised, celebrated, and in line with their individual ability. All those working in St. Joseph’s / Scoil Iósaef, as teachers, leaders, support staff and governors, seek to recognise and treasure the unique gifts of each individual child and to do all they can to allow these to develop and flourish.
We are very much aware of, and deeply indebted to, the rich legacy left behind by our founding Order of Sisters, the Daughters of the Cross. The mantra of the Daughters, to “be kind, be kind, be kind”, shapes relationships across the school and guides us to work to ensure that all members of our community are treated with inherent dignity, equality, and respect.