St. Joseph's
Grammar School, Donaghmore

Educating For the Future Since 1922
Year 8 Transition

“It is our main aim that all our students are happy in St Joseph’s and we take time to ensure that this is the case…”
At St. Joseph’s/Scoil Iósaef, we recognise that the move from primary to post-primary school can be daunting. We proactively work in collaboration with parents and our new Year 8 students to make the process as smooth as possible. We know that supporting our Year 8 students in the early days helps them build strong foundations in St Joseph’s and empowers them to become confident and happy learners in the long term. It is our main aim that all our students are happy in St Joseph’s and we take time to ensure that this is the case! We pride ourselves on having strong and mutually supportive relationships with parents/carers and want to create a culture where concerns or worries are shared early to ensure the happiness, health and well-being of our students.
“We pride ourselves on having strong and mutually supportive relationships with parents/carers and want to create a culture where concerns or worries are shared early to ensure the happiness, health and well-being of our students.”
Community is at the heart of everything in St Joseph’s and we know the importance of getting to know our students individually and of providing then with explicit opportunities to get to know each other and build strong friendships. We want our Year 8 students to enter their summer holidays at the end of P7 feeling confident and excited about starting St Joseph’s. We offer our Year 8 students a broad and sustained induction programme that begins in June of P7 and lasts throughout the duration of Year 8.
“We want our Year 8 students to enter their summer holidays at the end of P7 feeling confident and excited about starting St Joseph’s.”
Our Year 8 Transition Programme consists of the following:
Introduction to the Year 8 pastoral team: In early June all incoming Year 8 students and their parents/carers are invited to attend a meeting with a member of the Year 8 pastoral team. This event provides an opportunity for students and their parents/carers to meet staff and to become familiar with the school environment at St. Joseph’s/Scoil Iósaef.
Year 8 Registration Evening: In mid-June we host a Year 8 Registration Evening where parents and pupils are introduced to the Principal, Vice-Principals, Head of Year 8 and the Year 8 form teachers.
Year 8 Familiarisation Day: In mid-June, all incoming Year 8 pupils are invited to attend a Familiarisation Day in St. Joseph’s/Scoil Iósaef. This is an opportunity for the students to meet the other students in their form class.
Year 8 Transition Programme: At the end of August all Year 8 students are invited to attend a Year 8 Transition Programme. This is a further opportunity for students to build new friendships with their peers and supportive relationships with their teachers. Our students tell us that this is a really important day for them as it builds confidence and helps relieve nerves on their first day.
Staggered return to school dates: In September, the return to school dates are staggered for all year groups. This strategy gives our new Year 8 students an opportunity to become familiar with their new surroundings before all seven year groups return.
Time with form teacher and form prefects: During their first day, the Year 8 students remain with their form teacher and Year 14 form prefect while participating in a range of activities.
‘Bus Buddies’: To help ensure that our new Year 8 students are confident about home time we have a ‘Bus Buddy’ system in place during September. Our ‘Bus Buddies’ are Year 13 students who are paired up with Year 8 students who travel to and from school on the same bus. Year 13 students will meet Year 8 students at the end of the school day and walk them to their bus.
‘Peer Buddy System’: Year 8 students can avail of the Peer Buddy System. The peer buddies will offer support and advice to our new Year 8 students.
Year 8 Induction Evening: Towards the end of September, students and parents/carers are invited back into school for an Induction Evening. This is an opportunity for parents/carers to speak with their child’s form teacher and to raise any worries or concerns they may have.
GIFT Programme: At the start of Term 2 our Year 13 students work with Year 8 form classes to deliver the GIFT programme. This programme focusses on topics such as friendship and aims to identify any on-going challenges with transition and settling in.
Students in every year group meet with their form teacher for 15 minutes each morning and for a timetabled 45-minute form period once per week. During this time students will receive a dedicated pastoral programme and also be provided with opportunities to build relationships with other students and their form teacher. Regular year group assemblies take place and the focus of the assemblies in Term 1 is effective transition from primary school.